A Bit Overrated
15 August 2020
What's Wrong with Secretary Kim was on my watch-list for a very long time, and I initially didn't really have an interest. Then I saw Park Seo-Joon in Itaewon Class and fell in love with his shy character and amazing acting skills. So I gave this a shot.

Overall, I feel that this show is quite overrated. Based on reviews I was expecting a lot, and perhaps that's why I felt underwhelmed. I liked the kidnapping subplot - I think it was done well, made sense, and added a tragic undertone to our couple. But this subplot was resolved rather early, and it felt like the will-they/won't-they aspect also reached it's climax too early. I got bored and skipped through the last two episodes. The fatal flaw for me was the lack of chemistry between our couple - in my opinion Min-Young felt very stiff towards Seo-Joon. Every time they kissed it seemed like she just wasn't into it. Seo-Joon was always very sweet and into her, so I'm not sure if she just didn't like him in real life and that translated onto the screen, or if she just felt awkward filming those types of scenes - I haven't seen her in anything else so I'm not sure what to make of it. I seem to be in the minority here, especially since apparently people thought they were a real couple because of this show, so it might just be me. Either way, I didn't particularly like this show.
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