Summer of '42 (1971)
robert mulligan
14 August 2020
As a dedicated movie buff and a very serious student of film, Summer of '42 is, without a doubt, one of my all time favourite movies! Nothing I have ever seen since (or before) will ever come close to its magic and power. I first saw it so many years ago when I was not much older than Hermie, the main character in the film. I remember the experience so well: a hot Saturday night in a large art house cinema in a suburb of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia. The movie house was fairly deserted that night and it felt like I was the only one in the theatre. On a huge screen the story unfolded and I was hooked from the beginning.

After it was over I remember going back to my car and just sitting there for about a half an hour, dwelling on the unique movie experience that had just totally consumed me. It really got to me on so many levels: the innocence and awkwardness of youth, the secret world of teenage boys that adults (especially parents) never understand, the awesome intoxication of that first crush.

And ... in my opinion the scene where Hermie goes into the drugstore to buy the condom is one of the sweetest and funniest scenes ever recorded on film.

I have lost count of how many times I have seen Summer of '42. I do know, however, if I watch it when ever I am happy, it makes me sad; if I watch it when ever I am sad, it makes me happy. Strange ... but true!

I run it regularly in my home movie theatre for friends to introduce them to its magic, but I never watch it with them. I only ever watch this movie alone. This is "my movie"; I will share its wonder with others, but I can only ever watch it by myself. Again strange ... but true!

Gary Grimes who played Hermie left acting in the late 1970s. I found an article on him several years ago. He is now 65 years old. He has moved on to other pursuits and says that he is happy with the life choices he has made. Still ... he is a great loss to film ...
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