Stupid and boring movie..
14 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I watched He never died ( Part 1) and She never died (Part 2) on the same day.. The part 1 is really nice with a nice build up in story.. This part 2 is really stupid right from the start.. It's like they purposely make this movie for extreme feminism agenda.. The silly plot is the same old stuff like Captain Marvel and those stuffs of man got beat up and punish by super hero female character.. Main female lead here is such a show off... It's like she go around telling and showing everyone she is immortal.. What's the point of that? Another stupid thing is she can just kill those 2 villains at the car park who tries to kidnap her very easily when she sees them since that was her intention of killing that guy with lots of rings right from the beginning but she didn't.. She purposely ask that guy to hit her with a baseball bat instead so that is to make guys look really bad and evil for doing that i guess that's their main intention and then got caught out of plain stupidity.. I thought she is immortal? A guy with a baseball bat can defeat and capture an immortal?? Hah.. She got tortured after being caught and blah blah blah... ( Scenes just for making guys look bad and evil) and all the way to the end its all predictable.. Poor acting and lousy script.. Not recommended..
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