Made in Abyss (2017– )
Amazing World Building and Stellar Character Moments
13 August 2020
Made in Abyss is an anime that is severely underrated. This show can invoke so many different emotions out of you as it balances so many tones flawlessly. The characters drive the heart of this show and make us worried when they are put into dangerous situations. The danger is amplified by this beautiful world that never shies away from showing off it's true nature. The world never seems evil, it seems wild and untamed, balancing on a scale between chaos and beauty. The concept of the world itself is also executed better than I could have hoped for, constantly showing us functions to this incredibly interesting world that make sense. The Music in this show is also great and captures the beauty or horror of each and every moment our characters are put in. Made in Abyss is one of my favorite anime and deserves so much more praise.
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