12 August 2020
Even as an old man now , I had to hold back the tears while I watched a one time hero , Robbie Robertson, give such a one sided account of the demise of " The Band " .It seemed like some kind of self justification which I am surprised the distinguished Martin Scorcese had anything to do with. I note that not one of the artists featured did not exactly concur with Robbies version , or indeed disagree, which I think speaks for itself . I am reminded of the fan , in Dublin I think it was , who paid to see THE BAND and shouted up " Wheres Robbie Robertson " and got the reply ..." I dont know but if you see him tell him he can kiss my ass " ( or words to that effect ) . The common thread was that " The Band " together , were much greater as a whole than the individual talents . AMEN TO THAT
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