Spinning Out (2020– )
Watched it during a heatwave, it helped
12 August 2020
There is nothing really worth remembering about this, it might have the virtue of starting conversations on mental disorders in highly competitive sports... maybe.

Most of the issues packed in these 10 episodes (bipolar disorder, sexual abuse, racism, police brutality, teen pregnancy, abusively competitive parenting, social inequalities... and many more) were all meant with very good intentions I'm sure, but none of them seem fully researched, owned or realistically portrayed. They just kind of, laid them all there on the surface. Don't worry, it never gets really deep at all, you can watch it as a soap if you want.

I must admit, even though they all lack depth I still got attached to several characters : Kat and Carol with all their flaws, selfish, destructive and unbalanced as they are, had me rooting for them. Dasha was ok, a little bit too cliché for me but still sweet. I had more trouble with Justin even until the end, meh. But the star for me was Mandy : though only a supporting character, the character development was good and the acting too, that woman was truly great !

It's kind of a detail on the overall quality of the show, but I must say, though not a connaisseur of figure skating at all, I had my belief brutally suspended each time they tried to paste the actors' faces on the skating doubles' bodies, it had me cringing how badly it was done. And sometimes they didn't even bother, and the doubles were so evidently not the actors I don't undersatnd how they left it like that.

As I said in the title, I watched this during a heatwave in August 2020 south of France, and the cold atmosphere, the mountains, ice, snow, and desaturated colours definately helped me through it !
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