Hanna: Road (2019)
Season 1, Episode 7
You Will Be Informed When The Lock-down Is Over.
10 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So this episode begins with....coverage of the new character that was uncovered last episode. Another girl in the Utrax program.

Eric and Hanna walking through a field talking about what happened with her mother. Eric tells Hanna her real father is still alive and living in Romania.

Back to Sophie's house where her little brother is playing with army men! ARMY MEN! oH I LOVED PLAYING WITH ARMY MEN.

Cut to a phone call of Marissa being told to stay in Paris and live her life. Apparently the powers that be no longer want her involved.

Eric makes a stop on the way to take Hanna to her real father. He stops off and visits his own mother.

Eric's mother calls Marissa. Marissa shows up late. Sawyer also shows up later. Sawyer orders his goons to take Marissa out. The goons drive Marissa out into an open field. They could have possibly made it more obvious. Marissa apparently is not without skills of her own. Marissa takes out both goon with a kitchen knife stolen from Eric's Mother's House.

-1 Star for Stupid Goons and a poorly choreographed fight. The goons walked into every hit!

I have a feeling the next time Sawyer and Marissa meet that there won't be any faking of niceties.

Sawyer shows back up at the Utrax headquarters. Sawyer is preparing for a visit from Eric. Eric drops Hanna off with the Prodna family. Eric phones Prodna after leaving, telling him that Hanna is really his daughter. Prodna tells Eric, 'I know.' Interesting.

+1 Star because I like interesting.

Hanna figures out that Eric is not going to come back to the Prodnas' . Hanna lays out Mr. Prodna on his behind.

Eric's car is spotted and EVERYONE converges on his location. Marissa calls him from the adjacent hotel room. She warns him about UTrex being a trap. Eric figures out Marissa is in the hotel. Utrex goons show up and a big firefight ensues. Utrex goons don't use cover very well. They may as well be wearing red shirts. LOL Hanna shows up in the nick of time!!! Sawyer gets blown off to the side in a car explosion. We end with Marissa striding out to find Sawyer lying there. Hanna and Eric speed off in Hanna's stolen car.

Okay this is just so cliche and predictable. 5/10
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