Harley Quinn: Lovers' Quarrel (2020)
Season 2, Episode 12
Finally brought out into the open
10 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode had everything you could want, the Trinity mopping up Parademons and taking back control of the city like it's just another day of the week to them, Kiteman being Kiteman, Sy coming back, the whole "love pheromones" thing, and the added bonus of actually seeing the Harley x Ivy "sexy times" they kept skipping over on Themyscira.

With that out of the way, it looks like they're finally addressing the elephant in the room, no telling how Kiteman will fully process this. BUT it does seem that I was right, that the wedding is STILL happening, thanks preview thumbnail.

To me it was pretty clear at the end of "Bachelorette" that Ivy chose Kiteman and Harley should let it go. And that even though they made sweet, passionate love(twice) albeit drunk. She completely regretted it afterwards because she's in a committed relationship with Kiteman. If she wasn't, I'm pretty she'd be all for it. But Kiteman called "dibs" first, it just that Ivy discovered her attraction for Harley at a bad time and she's been trying to bury it ever since.

And I completely believe that Ivy totally deserves someone better than Kiteman, she does love that doofus for whatever reason. And Kiteman x Ivy does work well in this show. But so does Harley x Ivy, there's enough groundwork there, it's just bad timing and NOBODY likes Love Triangles, especially if the other party has done nothing wrong to justify their partner leaving them OR ignoring the better choice simply because the other was there first and the safer option.

I know there are some people in this community, Reddit, and YouTube that don't believe that Harley deserves a chance because they only she her as this spastic, random girl who's just toxic to everyone around her, and they can't be further from the truth.

If these people actually watched the show or hell just read the comics, they would know that Harley has grown significantly as a character.

Over the course of this show, she has definitely matured and calmed down a bit, and even though her priorities bounce around a lot, she always saw them through, and through her various exploits and mistakes, slowly realized what's truly important in her life. And Ivy was there to support her. Even at her lowest points, Ivy was always in the back of her mind, and she cared about her opinion the most. Even after their argument and all the drama at end of season one, it just redoubled her feelings for Ivy, which didn't truly become romantic until half way through this season.

But bad timing is a staple of all drama, but it does tend to expedite events or bring to things to the surface that people didn't realize were there.

That being said, I still wish they played up the romantic angle a lot earlier or at least had Ivy fully wrap her head around the idea instead of trying to bury it for the last half of the season.

This show definitely NEEDS a 3rd season, and 4th while they're at it.
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