Grey Skies (2010)
Grey skies with a chance of boredom from the west...
10 August 2020
I happened to get the chance to sit down in 2020 to watch the 2010 movie "Grey Skies". Now, I hadn't even heard about this sci-fi horror movie from director Kai Blackwood prior to sitting down to watch it.

But hey, at least there were no expectations to the movie for me. So writers Mark Reilly and Michael Cornacchia had all the opportunities to impress and bedazzle me with "Grey Skies".

However, they just failed to do that. This movie, while it definitely had some interesting enough aspects to the storyline and the promise of something that could prove good, it just failed completely. The storyline was just too mundane and generic, and the movie suffered terribly from being way too predictable.

The characters in the movie were adequate, although it wasn't really characters that you invest anything in, for some reason. They had good enough actors and actresses to portray the characters, but there was just something about the characters that failed to make them pop out on the screen.

The special effects in the movie were bland. And that was sort of a massive setback for the movie, because a sci-fi movie needs proper and believable special effects.

In fact, I actually fell asleep for a short while during the movie. It was just that uninteresting.

My rating of "Grey Skies" is a mere two out of ten stars. Mostly because of the production value that the movie had.
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