Review of Peninsula

Peninsula (2020)
Not as good or original as Busan, but still an entertaining zombie action film!
10 August 2020
The rumours are true: Peninsula can not be compared to its brilliant predecessor, Train to Busan. Subtleties make way for non-stop action and the movie also has a big Fast & Furious vibe. But especially on the big screen it's also a very exciting and entertaining film. I'd give it an 8 out of 10. . The story is similar to the upcoming Army of the Dead by Zack Snyder: a group of people must go back to zombieland to retrieve some bags containing lots of money. It looks like an easy mission at first (those zombies are harmless in the dark!), but of course it all goes wrong very soon. Welcome to hell! . Some things that struck me while watching the film: .
  • Peninsula looks amazing on the big screen (the destroyed city). However there is a lot of CGI and because of that it sometimes feels like watching a videogame
  • The story begins during Train to Busan and makes a timejump of four years.
  • There are some English spoken scenes in the movie and frankly they're terrible. I can accept that Asians speak English with an accent, but there are also "English" or "American" characters in it and they act very badly. The interview scene in the beginning - telling us what happened in the last four years - is embarrassing
  • Some emotional scenes are really over the top, but I guess that's the Korean way of drama
  • There are no actors of Train to Busan in the sequel
  • The film only costed about 16 million dollars to make. That's low budget in the States. World War Z had a budget of 190 million
. No, unlike Train to Busan Peninsula doesn't add anything new to the zombie genre. It is however a fun and entertaining ride and the first 20 minutes are awesome. I also liked the ending.

Can't wait to watch it again.

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