Near perfect British Noir with realism almost flawless!!
10 August 2020
Along the DVD's advent and his successful purpose to bring back to our home the real cinema with ultimate bright image, raise up the restoration process to unknown gem like Payroll, the first half of movie is unrivalled experience since Asphalt Jungle as the drafting to overcame a new system of security inserted on the armored car, the unsettled informer and the gang leading by Michael Craig as the mastermind Johnny Mellows, who impose to remaining partners his rare knack to take ahead this bold plan, followed by a breathtaking long sequence of the heist that left behind unexpected two dead bodies in both sides, then came up a hiatus when the police take over and all outcomes with tragic results, one member of the gang the old Monty (Kenneth Griffith) is the highlight when his pal died on the act, he refuses receives his share, in other hand the informer Dennis Pearson (William Lukas) stays frightfully shaken raising suspicions to the investigators, Katie is actually a foreign disgruntled wife which has a slight distrust of his husband's behavior lately, she tie up the loose ends and come closer to Johnny in hope to get rid of his husband, the cunning Kate with undeniable sexy appeal tries out convinces Johnny to take away together, meanwhile the Widow Jackie Parker (Billie Whitelaw) distraught under so slow investigating procedure acts on your own, the movie took place at Newcastle with those beauty iron bridges, this movie rocks with robust performances, linked with a realism almost flawless, the end sounds a bit Hollywood formulaic, near perfect!!


First watch: 2020 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 9
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