Town on Trial (1957)
Mills Is Terrific In A Most Un-Noirish Noir
9 August 2020
It's a middle-class area in a solid town with a gothic church. And over at the country club, everyone is watching Magda Miller play tennis, because not only does she look like Diana Dors, it's well known among the country-club set that..... what's the phrase? She's no better than she ought to be. So when she turns up a corpse, and local doctor Charles Coburn certifies to her dead and pregnancy, up rolls superintendent John Mills. And he discovers a sunny little town full of sunny little people who are most unhelpful.So he digs, and digs, and grows more and more outraged and outrageous as everyone resists saying anything that could be considered harsh or derogatory, even about the dead woman.

John Guillerman has directed an interesting noir that doesn't look in the least like a noir, with none of the hallmarks of a noir. There are no odd camera angles, there are no femme fatales, there is no sign of corruption..... unless you count the smug hypocrisy of everyone in the town. Who got Miss Miller with child? Who killed her? And who's speaking the voice-over from what sounds like Apocrypha at the beginning of the movie? Are they all the same person?

Could be. With Barbara Bates, Derek Farr, Alex Macowan and Fay Holder.
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