The Last Narc (2020)
The Truth is Often Stranger and Uglier than Fiction
6 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was a big fan of the Netflix series "Narcos" and the follow up "Narcos: Mexico" but after watching this documentary, which I highly recommend, I must admit that though the Netflix series were well done they are mostly fiction to the point of bad propaganda. It seems Kiki Camarena was the only honest DEA officer in Guadalajara, the others got huge bribes from the cartels which Kiki refused to take. He also was very thorough in his investigating the cartels and it was feared he knew the truth: the war on drugs was a total lie to cover CIA and US/Mexican government involvement, and a sizable portion of drugs getting into America ($35 million worth of just cocaine EVERY DAY) were coming in through and profited by the CIA. In fact, it was the CIA that ordered his abduction, torture, and murder. Felix Rodriguez, an infamous CIA operative was one of Kiki's interrogators. He was infamous for "interrogation" but we civilians call that torture. Kiki was tortured for 36 hours straight, had almost every bone in his body shattered before he fell into a coma that even adrenaline injected by a doctor could not bring him out of, so he had his skull crushed with a metal bar. The story of his abduction and murder being done by the cartels was fiction, it was the US government who ordered it, most likely coming from the top who, at the time, was vice-president George Bush. And it was all done to cover the CIA's drug operations that were in turn used as money to illegally fund the Contras in Nicaragua. Watch this documentary, it's a must-see. It'll probably make your blood boil as it did mine but as Gandhi said "the truth is still the truth even if only known by a minority of one." And you will also salute and respect the honest witnesses of police and DEA agents on both sides of the border who want the truth to be known. They are risking their lives and have all been told, to a person, if they spoke the truth they would be murdered. We need such real heroes to stop the worst of government actions. There's enough bad fiction out there already, no matter how well polished it is presented.
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