The Mistletoe Promise (2016 TV Movie)
6 August 2020
Nick and Elise don't like Christmas. And they meet while strangers are singing Christmas Carols to them very closely, invading personal space. They each have a problem: she doesn't want to put up with her ex-husband and wants her company to be what it used to. He needs a girlfriend to take to the office party so he can make partner. So they make a pact. (There is even a contract).

I, slowly, became a fan of the fake-relationship trope, but it has to be done well. The people involved need to have chemistry, share sweet moments, leart about each other in order for that so-called "relationship to move onto the next phase. This movie had it: Nick sharing his Christmas ghosts. Nick and Elise sharing Christmas traditions. It was sweet.

Luke Macfarlane is becoming one of my favourites. I have seen several of his movies and he always has chemistry with his co-stars. Maybe he is just a really nice guy. I will definitely keep on watching. It was my first time watching Jaime King (i'm not gonna lie, she could definitely play a villain in any movie and I would be terrified), I liked her character. She wasn't the typical cheerful leading lady, which I liked.

This may sound foolish, but all I kept seeing was her hair, which, in my opinion transitioned along with her feelings. At the beginning she only had tight buns, when she met Nick, she used hair tails (i'm not sure that's the term) and even let her hair loose. It was only when they parted at the end that she used a bun again. Maybe it was just a coincidence but I found that beautiful. She was literally and metaphorically letting herself loose.

A few things that bothered me: the ex-husband (of course), his girlfriend (why make her look like an idiot?) those people at the mall singing the Christmas Carols (hello? ever head of personal space and privacy?)And, at the end it was heavily snowing but there was no snow on the streets?

While I really enjoyed it, i'll probably won't watch again.
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