I Watched This With Different Eyes
4 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I read the reviews and thought that when I watched this, I would see Jules' actions through the same eyes.

Instead, I saw predator and prey. Abusive sociopaths pick their victims very carefully They pick easy targets to manipulate and gaslight. She groomed her for a year. (You don't kill someone right after insuring them.)

How many times does the accused go back? How many times are they afraid to leave? How many times are they manipulated into believing they are loved? How many are desperate to be loved? How many times do they believe the threats to harm others? And how many times do they pretend nothing is going on?

Yeah, there's some implausible stuff - she knows her spleen is bruised? Really? ( lHey, maybe she's a medic or an EMT?)

The other implausible stuff is no one noticing her injuries (the room was dark), nor did I find her returning to the house to clean up that farfetched. She was trying to call 911. Where else would she go?

Or not screaming out in the boat, her potential murderer was right there in the boat and she already knew she was capable of killing her. Instead, she thought she'd be safer if she got the couple back to the cabin.

This movie amplified the relationship between abuser and the abused, but it really wasnt that far-fetched. I watch a lot of true crime slows and you'd be surprised what people dish out and what people take and for how long.

Running back to the cliff? Yeah that was dumb? Not taking the car and getting the hell out of dodge? Yep (but why don't people being abused just not return home? Whu do they identify with the abuser?) I don't know, because I'm not a victim personality.

The most implausible actions were Jackie's. Did she think she'd get away with it? That the coroner wouldn't be able to see the cuts and bruises were starting to heal on Jules body? That blood wouldn't show up on a porous wooden floor? That no one would hear shooting over the lake? That no one would look for two missing people after one person ends up dead and she has a history of dead people around her?

When Jules left in the car and then came back, wasn't she seekng revenge?

Anyway, I thought it better than the reviews. The acting wasn't too bad and the cinematography was good. Not bad for low budget.
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