The Sitter (2017)
Dull But Well Made
3 August 2020
Charlotte (Aisling Knight) takes a job as a cat sitter for a creepy wealthy couple and, immediately after they leave, she begins hearing strange noises coming from upstairs. Perhaps their dead son isn't so dead after all and still lives in the house?

Director Simon Richardson knows how to shoot a movie and build up a reasonable level of tension at times, but his screenwriting skills leave a lot of be desired. The story could be described as House of the Devil, but with a ton of unnecessary padding. Charlotte has a best friend character who could easily have been made for an extra slaying for the body count, but she ends up being pretty useless altogether except for one well done jump scare towards the middle of the film.

Thanks to this and other detours along the way, The Sitter feels endless at about 100 minutes and could benefit from a little editing. At least 10 or 15 minutes could be cut including a few visual interesting but pointless dream sequences that appear to exist only to remind you that you're watching a horror film.

If The Sitter wasn't so well produced, perhaps its story crimes would be forgivable, but it's so obvious that the production team put such great effort in making this as polished and visually pleasing as possible which makes you wonder why they didn't spend as much time on the script.
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