Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Storyteller (1993)
Season 1, Episode 14
What a Slog...
3 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In "The Storyteller" a pair of Bajoran sects clash over disputed land with Sisko acting as the mediator of the conflict. Meanwhile O'Brien and Bashir head to Bajor to apply medical attention to another Bajoran tribe's spiritual leader. When the man passes away and names O'Brien as the tribe's successor, the two DS9 crewman must figure out how to defeat a dangerous monster and transfer ruling power to another Bajoran.

This has to be my least favorite episode of DS9 thus far (even more than "Move Along Home"). Both storylines focus on expanding the lore of the Bajorans but really miss the mark on supplying us with anything concrete. We're already getting down to the nitty-gritty details of Bajor as we encounter three new tribes. Why are we doing this so soon? We haven't even fully developed Dax yet as a character. She's invisible in this episode!

The climax with the big monster and having it feed off the crowd like a rock star is just awful, awful, awful... I have nothing really positive to say about this episode beyond the fact that we get to see Odo's bucket.
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