Intelligence (2020–2023)
So, so, so profoundly bad. So bad I used "so" 3 times to describe it (plus that 4th one)
2 August 2020
I'm writing this review because I saw the trailer of this and it was so profoundly bad it negatively impacted the viewing experience of the show I was currently watching, Archer. I now realize, after reading they are nsa agents (not simply degenerates flailing their arms around, screaming), they were simply pandering to the audience of another comedy spy show. The two shows, however, seem miles apart in levels of "intelligence," and ha ha funny joke for your title which truly shows the classic joke of the oxymoron. Perhaps this show is not this terrible, perhaps the person making the trailer had just been laid off and weas getting back at the studio by incorporating only the worst jokes. Then the executives thought "oh well who is going to watch it anyway, approve."

Good job living in mediocrity David Schwimmer after your success. He's rich who can blame him? Now he'll just be forgotten in about 70 years when everyone who watched Friends has died. So in reality I'll be as remembered as David Schimmer's profoundly unfunny self. Unless he looks in the mirror once this show is likely canceled and asks himself "what am I doing with my life?"

Well, who am I kidding? Two Broke Girls was on the air for multiple seasons, this show should be fine for a while. And David Schwimmer will laugh all the way to the bank. Nothing likely the classic Hollywood happy ending, am I right?

One more thing, I'm not some guy just trying to knock Hollywood down. Some truly beautiful things get put out in American cinema. This, however, is not one. Some people in Hollywood deserve their money by creating such culturally important works. This, however, is not one that deserves any amount of money anywhere in anyone's pockets.
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