Hannibal: Apéritif (2013)
Season 1, Episode 1
Episode 1 Definitely Grabs Your Attention
31 July 2020
Okay right off the bat you have Hugh Darcy who really shines in this show, reenacting his own interpretation of a murder. His GIFT, allows him to see into the minds of killers.

+1 Star for the initial investigation

+1 Star for the whackiness of Graham's gift.

+1 Star for Fishburnes amazing presence

And then, we are finally introduced to Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Played by the Incredible Mads Mikkelsen. This is undoubtedly what will be known as his signature performance throughout his career, much as Anthony Hopkins is known for the same character.

+1 Star for Mads thoroughly convincing introduction to a great character.

And +1 Star for a great line. 'Don't psychoanalyze me. You wouldn't like me when I'm psychoanalyzed. Now I have to go! I have to give a lecture on psychoanalyzing. ' Haha, brilliant.

Will Graham also deduces that the killer, is 'eating them'.

And we have the brilliant beginning episode to a great series. :)
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