Scream: The TV Series (2015–2019)
Noah Foster is the best character, barring Beth.
31 July 2020
I'll admit, I was skeptical. I looked at it for a week and a half before watching it. And when I did watch it I was struggling with how you make a slasher flick into a show. But then, my boy Noah (the best character in the entire series) decided to break the fourth wall in the first episode, and explain exactly what was going to happen and how it would work.

As he so elegantly put when asked "whodunnit", "it's not about who the killer is, it's about getting to know the characters, and really feeling for them when they die". After he said that, and perfectly outlined the plot, I gave it a chance. And then promptly lost an entire night of sleep watching the first season.

This show is everything that made the old scream movies great, and then some. From the heart wrenching kills to the "big reveal", it will keep you enticed and enthralled. The show leads you to believe it's one character, before throwing evidence at other, and following it up with then clearing the latter. It got so good that I could tell who was the killer. I had probably 7 theories over the course of the first season, and 5 of them were proven wrong. The plot twists and sudden, and the kills are gruesome. Truly a classic slasher show.

On the other hand, the sequel. Season 3 was a surprise to me, who never reads descriptions of an episode before watching. And at first I was extremely skeptical. Sequels can often ruin a perfectly good movie. I felt like the token characters were shoehorned in with little regard for whether or not they would fit. But eventually they all settled into their right spots, and really brought out the story's themes of racism and secrecy. As soon as best girl Beth pointed out it was a sequel I changed my expectations from reboot, to sequel and everything fit better. Every character made more sense. And I must admit, I did not guess the killer correctly. But also I feel something more could've been brought into the show. More about the characters. I didn't feel for the characters in season 3 in the same way I felt for the first two seasons. And having grown up in the slums myself I should be able to relate to these public school breakfast club types. But I really think that was a lack of development on the side characters. Deion gets a lot of development, but the others kind of fall to the wayside. Very little is actually revealed about them and for the most part I suspected everyone to be the killer due to lack of proof otherwise.

Still, a fantastic show I highly highly recommend watching! Including season 3, it's still amazing.
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