Review of Red Dawn

Red Dawn (1984)
Of its time, but still entertaining.
31 July 2020
You can either sit there and pick plot holes in this or just enjoy the ride, I did the latter. Had never heard of this until recently, when I saw a synopsis, and thought it would be my kind of thing. As someone who grew up, during the cold War, it was a time where you never knew what could happen, so those that find this far fetched couldn't have been living at the time, anything was possible back then (is it much different now?).

The film is decently acted, and you're dropped into the action within minutes, there's very few places where the film drags.

I bought the blu ray to see it, and as an aside, if you can get it cheap fine, but don't pay over the odds as it's one of the worst blu rays picture quality wise in my collection.

Definitely worth seeing once and making your own mind up about it.
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