You will know within 5 minutes if you will get this film or not
29 July 2020
Ever found yourself caught up in a daydream when you should be doing something more important? But just can't help it and prefer to live there than in reality?

Ever wondered what your place in the world is and tried so hard to fit in and follow convention? even though deep down you're not really sure if a conventional life is the one you'd really Belong in?

If you Can relate to these sentiments this is the film for you. You will instantly recognise yourself in Mr Polly. Otherwise I concede you will not understand the appeal of this film. Mr Polly is not meant to be a hero he is just a man who finally finds the courage to follow the beat of his own drum. He starts the film a work shy oddball, one of life's failures who has fallen into a domestic situation with his cousin and contemplates Suicide. But he can't even do this right. Realising that at nearly 40 that if you don't like Your life you can change it instead of ending it, he sets off into the countryside and finds his place in the world.

It's an unusual topic for a film and therefore as time has marched on It's peculiarity has helped to turn it into a minor gem.

John Mills plays the part of Mr Polly wonderfully. This is also the first film he produced and shows he was keen to flex his acting abilities. Apparently the audiences at the time didn't like him playing a middle-aged odd ball, but Modern audiences will be free to see his characterisation without the preconceptions of John Mills being the definitive military hero. The rest of the cast are good too, even Juliet does a good turn as Uncle Jim's Niece.

The musical score is very good and really adds to the comedy/action scenes of the fight with Uncle Jim and the Suicide Attempt. Sometimes the films scores In old films can be a bit too much for my liking, but not in this case.
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