Dead Dicks (2019)
It had so much potential...
28 July 2020
I stumbled upon the 2019 movie "Dead Dicks" in 2020, without ever having heard about it prior to sitting down to watch it. I read the synopsis for the movie, and thought that it sounded actually interesting enough. And I was intrigued as the cover read "a Cronenberg-inflected science-fiction piece".

Well, whomever created the cover sure was good at selling the movie. I will say that much. The movie wasn't "touching, powerful and emotional" as the cover brandished, nor did it "delivers on the creep factor" also as the cover brandished.

In fact, "Dead Dicks" turned out to be a very mediocre movie.

Sure, the concept idea of a guy dying and returning to life only to find the dead bodies of himself where he died was interesting, but the storyline just proved way too boring and mundane. And it didn't really help much that the characters were fairly bland. So I can't really say that writers and directors Chris Bavota and Lee Paula Springer managed to strike gold with what they had here.

The acting in the movie was adequate, and they fared well enough, given the fact that they had little to work with in terms of proper script and characters. The movie didn't have a great number of performers, so there was extra pressure on the few performers to do well.

I sat through the entire movie, but I must admit that I was only mildly entertained. And while the movie was watchable, this is hardly a movie that I will recommend to anyone. Nor is is a movie that I will ever be returning to watch a second time.

My rating of "Dead Dicks" is a very mediocre five out of ten stars.
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