Review of The Final

The Final (I) (2010)
Premise good... Movie bad.
28 July 2020
There's really not much I can say about this movie other than it's premise was a very good one. However, it fell flat on it's face due to it's over the topness (if that's even a word). There is nothing I enjoy more than to watch bad people get what's coming to them. Films like Taken, Man on Fire, heck even Missing In Action give me that satisfaction. This one just doesn't quite do it for me. The one thing that gets me is that the bullies are waaaay over the top. It's as if the people who wrote this moved from infancy to adulthood skipping their teenage years all together and guessing on how they act. Yes there are jocks and cheerleaders and certain cliques; but they tried too hard to stereotype them. I'm just glad this movie wasn't out when I was in highschool. I'd hate to think what the nerds would've done to me. Okay, I'm finished. I better make some phone calls and apologize to certain people before they get any ideas.
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