This atypical and artsy Hammer movie results to be an atmospheric and entertaining fantasy chiller
25 July 2020
This agreeable terror/adventure movie dals with Captain Kronos : Hort Janson, he is a tough predator of ominous foes , as he tracks down , hunts and confronts by fencing bloodthirsty enemies, and , finally, a family of vampires in this thrilling Hammer horror hybrid . Along the way captain Kronos faces off a nasty contender : Ian Hendry and saves as well as falls in love for a beautiful country girl in distress : Caroline Munro. And, eventualy, fights horrifying and dark forces. Evil Ends Here. A blood lust for eternal youth!.The Only Man Alive. Feared by the Walking Dead!

This chiller is originally mounted with nice photography by Ian Wilson, as well as lively musical score by Laurie Johnson, displaying an attractive plot with a peculiar protagonist , a sort of gothic superhero who stalks and is stalked by his preys. Being well written and filmed with tongue firmly in cheek by Brian Clemens who on this occasion sat in the filmmaker's chair as well, resulting in a mixed bag containing adventures, swashbuckling, terrifying scenes and spectacular fencing. Stars Horst Janson is pretty well as the vampire hunter who will stop at nothing to get his main goal : to hunt and kill bloodsuckers. And there are fine and fetching roles for John Cater as his hunchback helper, John Carson as a doctor, the feared young Shane Briant, Lois Daine as his mysterious sister , Wanda Wentham as an old vampyr woman and the always gorgeous Caroline Munro.

This enjoyable motion picture that isn't at all typical of Hammer's output comes from the fertile brain of Brian Clemens who directed as well, being his only one. He developed a long career with Albert Fennell at times, and mostly in television, as he penned many TV episodes from known series as Avengers, Bugs, Perry Mason, Alfred Hitchcock presents, Remington Steele, The champions, Danger man, The expert, Tension, My wife next door, Darkroom, Suspicion, The protectors, Quiller, The man of the clown, Wideworld of mysteries, The Baron, CSI the new professionals. And occassionaly for cinema as Highlanders II, Highway to battle, Trasatlantic. Rating : 6.5/10. Decent Hammer horror. Better than average .
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