Way too dated
22 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As a recovering Heroin addict I was disappointed with the ending. The movie ends with the addict husband shivering in bed kicking & the wife picking up the phone & saying "Give me the police. I want to report a drug addict." THE END! How ridiculous. Why not have it end realistically with him being put in a hospital or detox center? The story is about a tortured & now permanently injured war vet who was released from the VA with a morphine addiction. He goes home to his wife with an injured back & nothing for pain to try to live a normal life. He turns to heroin for relief just like people do now. (especially with the so called political "opoid epidemic" which has only tied doctors hands & made it next to impossible to get prescriptions for pain) He is ashamed & hides his problem from his wife for years. The movie ends with him finally coming clean & admitting his drug problem to his wife. He's miserable & decides to kick at home & even tells his drug dealers to leave. He lays in bed shivering, kicking, twitching, sweating & a handkerchief stuffed in his mouth to stifle his screams. What does his wife do to support him in his recovery? She picks up the phone & calls the police! THE END! What? Even in 1957 the police wouldn't come & take an injuried drug addicted war vet -who hasn't committed any crimes- from his bed at home to jail! They should have had it end with him going to a doctor or a rehab clinic to get help kicking.
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