A smaller detail, but it kind of sums up the mediumrate...
20 July 2020
I live in the same hood as the center of this story is placed; the smaller café and aventplace "Krudttønden". When the terroract occured it was some strange 24 hours or so, where police was everywhere, parts of the city was closedown and people where scared... "What will be the next thing happening...?" So making a movie of this day and the hunt for the terrorrist as the maintorque, seems natural and inevitably. Storyline and the focus on certain main caracters involved in what happened is quite allright, and especially the last mentioned gives the movie some kind of originality. I like the focus on the terrorist and his personal story, cause that aspect of the story seems important for us all to understand his reasons for doing what he does. But the focus on the 3 people who dies and their deeds this day and morning and the way their acts are heroized, maybe seems a little bit to much in my opinion. A smaller detail, but quite incomprehensible that no-one, not director, editor or anyone at the "set" have thought of this: A couple of times you see a busline "5C" driving through the streets. It has a characteristic look with light blue colours. This particular busline, was first created about 2 years and 2 months after the terroract occured. I just can't understand how this can be ignored when making the film. It seems rather amateurish.
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