Review of Homeward

Homeward (II) (2020)
Believe in Magic!
16 July 2020
Sooner or later, the moment comes when we can no longer enjoy the simple joys of life. Everyday affairs take away the last forces, we become more cynical and rigid, both in relation to others, and to ourselves. Should we blame us? Of course not.

However, I want to remind myself that I need to stop, look around, arrange a short respite, and learn to be a child again. It's easier said than done, however, agree, it is sometimes necessary for all of us. Director Michael Johnson took on the daring task and turned all of the above into a separate setting, into a world that from early times was shrouded in miracles and good-natured magical creatures, where frogs drive cars, Orcs and Elves live in peace, Elves know how to conjure. All this remained on the pages of children's fairy tales and in the puzzles of exciting games. Fortunately, adventurers who have dreamed of collecting two parts of the stone that controls the consciousness, armed themselves with the command and went to fight for dominance from the nation have not yet shifted. So did the evil orc Rolf, and had already begun to create his army, but then... the main characters appeared!

The main character is a guy named Lloyd, whose self-confidence creates a great path to go to the prestigious university. Principal Ashford doubts the guy's talent, but Lloyd is unusually talented, and life is so insidious that it gives him an incredible chance - to reveal his talent, overcome accumulated fears and phobias, and plunge headlong into such a mysterious set of circumstances. A faithful ally, as well as concurrently and a driver, is Lloyd's brother, Barl - a very brave and courageous character, a great lover of pranks and milk. Together they will have to go through many difficulties that they will encounter on their way, but at the same time the journey will temper their character, making them true friends, heroes and saviors of the world. How will this affect Lloyd's success in life? Find out by watching the cartoon...

"Homeward" is a great story, with catchy characters, good morale, funny jokes, catchy drama, charming characters in an unusual setting, and, most importantly, an amazing finale that will not leave anyone indifferent. The main characters of "Homeward" remind us that in the life of any person there is magic, if there are close people nearby... I advise everyone to watch this movie!

P.S.: People, please watch this movie. You don't have to s#oop it (Excuse me). This movie, like other films, just wants to teach us to believe in good, if we are not so bad about different films, we will finally live in peace and good. Peace! ✌
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