Lighten up and have some soma. Don't be an epsilon.
15 July 2020
Brave new world is my favorite fiction book of all time and I've seen many adaptations of different books on the big and small screen. It goes without saying, unless you read the book and never watched another movie or tv show, you might have some issues with the adaptation from the book.

This is set in the books universe (so if you haven't read it you'll be confused. Read the book, not cliff notes) and this is a storyline from the universe of the book. It's not that hard to imagine that nbc wouldn't do a complete 1 to 1 recreation of the book and make an original storyline.

That being said, this is an excellent show. I'm over halfway done binge watching it and sad to see it's only 9 episodes. I'll be honest, I didn't even know they were making this on peacock and only saw it when I downloaded the app and made an account to watch some free episodes. Of course you'll have to sign up for a paid trial to watch all of the episodes but peacock has been worth it for me and I haven't watched one other thing on it yet.

Acting is good, the sets are well done, the storyline is interesting and it really resonates with me personally as I've always imagined what this universe would be like in a film or tv show and I don't have to imagine anymore. A must watch if you're into the book, have an open mind and enjoy entertainment.

P.S. Other than BNW I'm not a fan of fiction in general and choose to read non-fiction and I really don't enjoy the sci-fi genre but I'm hooked on this.
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