Taggart: Saints and Sinners (2004)
Season 20, Episode 4
Sins of the saints
14 July 2020
Did find myself mixed on the Burke era of 'Taggart', a period that didn't compare to those of Taggart and Jardine as an overall whole. There were definitely some great episodes, "Compensation" being a contender for the best Burke episode and one of my favourites of the whole show. It did take time for me to get used to Burke, tending to find him too agressive and the shorter episodes to me were less rushed and felt rushed and like the show had run out of ideas.

"Saints and Sinners" is generally deserving of a higher rating here. It is not as good as "Compensation" and is a slight disappointment in comparison (only because that episode was so good), but to me by Burke era standards it is very good and as far as Burke's episodes go it's towards being one of the better ones. Is it perfect? Not quite. Is there a lot to like? Absolutely, actually find that the lesser episodes have a good deal of good things.

It is maybe just me but to me the last victim behaved pretty ludicrously and there was something about what they were saying and how they said it that made me think "they are literally asking to be killed".

Also felt that the ending was on the rushed side and could have done with more tension.

However, the photography has the necessary grit and moodiness and the location is striking yet suitably unforgiving. The music matches that perfectly and the main theme is unforgettable. The script provokes thought and is both gritty and entertaining, really enjoyed the chemistry between Robbie and Gemma and felt that their subplot avoided distracting from the mystery. Have always really enjoyed the chemistry between Robbie and Jackie, their banter often entertains and it has heart too. Oh and that techie drawing confession.

While having reservations with the ending, the mystery is very intriguing with a suitably uncompromising approach and with some clever twists and turns (didn't see the real motive coming for some time). The identity of the responsible was also not to me obvious, though if the revelation happened slightly earlier it would have helped the ending have more impact. The team interact beautifully, this aspect has come on quite a fair bit since Burke was introduced. The acting is fine, Alex Norton doesn't overdo it as much as he did in some of the previous episodes.

On the whole, very well done. 8/10
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