Started okay, but went to the dark side
13 July 2020
I began getting tied up in this one 15 minutes in. The acting is good. Most other parameters are also good.

But about half way in the music and storyline became depressing. Too much of characters drinking or getting potted doesn't help. I have little tolerance for real people hiding in a can or bottle, and don't need minute-after-minute exposure to it masquerading as entertainment. Too much of people wizzing too; I don't know why screenwriters and directors think that adds to their films. It has no value and is unnecessary to the story.

Mostly we hated the negative turn this film took suddenly. Darkness descended, moods switched inexplicably to deep depression, and the music tone tanked. Towards film end we see why, but regardless there is not enough salvation at the very end to pull viewers out of the funk forced onto us.
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