Nice but sometimes boring
12 July 2020
This film has some diversity in it which is a good thing. The acting in it is good as well but a lot of this film is boring and the storyline of this film is too hard to understand. Credit where credit is due, the animation of this film is good. There are a few scenes of this film which are very enjoyable but most of it isn't very interesting and is too babyish for adults to be likely to enjoy it. This film is nice to look at and is very colourful but it isn't as much the kind of film which has clever messages for adults to understand while children enjoy it as it could be. It does at least give the message that we all are different and nobody should treat anyone else in a way which is mean and I can get a lot enjoyment from some parts of this film but I don't enjoy watching all of it very much. Not all films are terrible or brilliant, some are average and this is an example of one of those films.
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