Fresh (1994)
Child Actors an Achilles Heel
11 July 2020
Fresh was the name of the movie as well as the main character, which got me thinking: "What are some of the best movies named after the main character?" It's a list that can be really expansive without conditions.

For instance; do you include "Good Will Hunting" or "Bourne Identity" even though the title is more than just the name of the main character? Do you include superhero names like Batman or Spider-Man? Do you include alter ego names like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? Do you include nicknames (wanted or unwanted) like Fresh, Scarface, Eraserhead?

As you can see it's not straightforward.

Fresh wouldn't be on my top ten list whatever the conditions. This is a movie that suffered under the weight of poor acting. The whole movie rested on the shoulders of some child actors and one child actor in particular in Sean Nelson.

Between his character, Fresh, and Fresh's friends, it was hard to watch. The plot, on the other hand, was awesome. Fresh was a young drug runner who wanted to come up with a plan to get out of the projects and cut free of the drug bosses in the hood. It was intelligent and intriguing, it just wasn't as good as it could've been without child actors.
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