to much hype for an average band?
9 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Comparing The Band to the Beatles?? Wuttt I mean its The Band, The Weight is a hit, but besides that one??? These documentaries seem to be in fashion these days i notice, now every band and artist gets one. Sure fellow artists are eager to appear and blow them up to epic proportions. But the truth is that the band was just a brotherly group of artists, who played as the band for Bob Dylan and made one hit song afterwards. Comparing them to the Beatles is just nonsense and totally ridiculous even. The movie makes you feel like they were all thight and there was never any words or fueds (besides driving drunk and almost killing Robbie's wife in the process) But they drank heavily and consumed a lot of drugs so its ok not to focus on that part, but dont make it a holy bunch please. For the person commenting to be in tears at the end?? What kinda pansy are you?????? I rate it a six due to the musical history shown and due to the proper production. The Band, yes they were a group of decent musicians who scored a hit.
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