"My daughter is lost to me."
9 July 2020
The story goes and one sincerely hopes it is not apocryphal, that having made the pilgrimage to France to meet Raimu, fellow genius Orson Welles began to cry when told by Marcel Pagnol that he was too late as Raimu had died. Raimu was greatly respected by many of the finest actors as well as being adored by the public, the national mourning at his death being equalled only by that of Edith Piaf and Yves Montand. Outside his native country his fame and reputation rests on his portrayal of Cesar in the marvellous Marseilles trilogy, the last of which was directed by Pagnol and as Aimable in Pagnol's sublimest of films 'The Baker's Wife'. There was undoubtedly a 'simpatico' between Raimu and Pagnol which enabled him to reach the heights as an actor and although 'The Well-Digger's Daughter' may not be in quite the same league as their other collaborations, his performance as Pascal is stupendous and again allows him to utilise his early comedic experience as well as display the most extraordinary pathos. The same comments might apply to co-star Fernandel. Although most recognisable internationally as the priest in the Don Camillo series, the five films he made with Pagnol, of which this is the fourth, gifted him his greatest roles and represent his best work by far. As the unmarried mother, a familiar character in Pagnol's films(!) we have the lovely Josette Day. Her relationship with Pagnol was by all accounts more than just professional and although very touching she does not quite convince as a naive eighteen-year old. She went on to excel of course in 'Beauty and the Beast'. Pagnol regular Ferdinand Charpin is as always good value and Willy Factorovitch is again behind the camera. Pagnol makes no concessions to the viewer as the piece comes in at just under two and a half hours and definitely comes into the catagory of 'filmed theatre' with no intermission! Seventy-years on came the remake directed by and starring the admirable Daniel Auteuil. This obviously has greater production values and Auteuil is splendid as Pascal but the devastating simplicity and humanity of the original cannot be matched.
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