Nowhere to Go (1958)
I don't get it.
4 July 2020
In my humble opinion, a story must have a sympathetic protagonist. This one expressly doesn't. Instead we have a con artist and thief who has very few redeeming qualities. At best we can say he has something of a conscience, but who cares? People who rob and swindle do not deserve sympathy unless there is some sort of circumstance or reason. But there isn't. He's just a thief from the start and we're supposed to root for him, I guess? If not, are we suppose to root against him? If so, what's the point?

Then we have Maggie Smith's character. The only reason I watched this movie was to see Maggie Smith as I am interested in seeing the past work of veteran performers and I'm a fan of her work in 'Downton Abbey'. But her part here is severely underwritten. She takes up with this con artist for absolutely no reason that is apparent in the movie and it's just annoying. Her character doesn't deserve sympathy either. This is not a knock on Maggie Smith, of course. This was, after all, still very early in her career.

Anyway, I didn't find this movie very good at all and any appeal it has for others is utterly lost on me. 'Nowhere to Go' is an apt title as this movie goes absolutely nowhere.
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