Hello!? - Like - Are You Really Ready To Have The Wool Pulled Right Over Your Eyes?
3 July 2020
When it comes to the completely far-fetched phenomenon of "Alien Visitation" - I am someone who will probably never be convinced that this has ever actually occurred on this here planet, Earth.

But, all the same - (While keeping an open mind on the matter) - I decided to watch "Chariots Of The Gods" anyway. 'Cause I really wanted to see what lengths those involved in this dubious production would go to in order to sway my beliefs (since I was sure that they would earnestly try to persuade me that alien beings from far off worlds had actually set foot on this here planet at various times in the past).

Well - To make a long story short - I think "Chariots Of The Gods" (though it was very well-produced) was nothing but a downright laughable hoax that (just like organized religion) one has to be pretty darn starry-eyed and completely gullible to take at face value what is being dished out to them as absolute truth... (Like - C'mon, already!)
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