Confused - you will be!
29 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
And I can understand the plot of Tinker, Tailor...

There is not one but three Lois Fentons. (Are not?) Two women who are sharing an identity as a fan dancer, and another one brought in by the police just to confuse the issue. I think.

The husband of one of them is killed with a samurai sword which he JUST HAPPENED to bring to a hotel room, where he'd gone to - do what, exactly? Are there two lookalike young men, one of them being one of the Lois Fentons' brother? Have I got that apostrophe in the right place? I think I wasn't concentrating enough in the first scene, thinking it was going to be set on a ranch. I hate those episodes. I prefer the nightclub ones.

Judy Taylor, who tragically died soon after filming, gives a great turn as the Lois who is using the identity to get work in a nightclub.

Anyway, never mind the plot - just enjoy! (Lieut Tragg grows on me - his lines are witty and he delivers them with such panache.)

To the person who said "forget every detective series you've ever seen" - this one wrote the script. I keep recognising scenarios from Murder She Wrote.
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