The High Note (2020)
Pure unadulterated old school Hollywood vibes - pure fun! Perfection!
29 June 2020
This movie is pure fun!!!

The Music is great, the plot has some unique original elements, yet the movie gives pure unadulterated older Hollywood vibes. What I mean by "pure unadulterated old school Hollywood vibes" is the movie is fun, filled with actual talent, not pushing a political agenda down our throats, and lets us just escape in the pure joy of a good film... something we haven't seen in a long, long time from Hollywood.

Bill Pullman was a wonderful surprise on the film! Those who were 90's rom com fans will remember him with genuine fondness. He's classic, and contributes to "the High Note" as only Bill Pullman can; He was a "high note" in "the high note" for me and my friends! Perfection!

Dakota Johnson was perfectly cast. She's subtle but not dull. Very well suited the roll well. She needs more rolls like this!

Tracee and Kelvin - wow. Just wow! Their performance was outstanding. Keep singing! Make more music... please!!!

Hollywood - make more movies like this! This is the fun we need! This is the escape we need! My friends and I greatly appreciate this film And the soundtrack!!
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