The Flash: Death of the Speed Force (2020)
Season 6, Episode 14
A bad casting decision broke this episode
28 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The main storyline for the episode about the Speed Force was awesome. My beef is with the choice of actress for the episode's villain. They hired a native Ukrainian, Elizaveta Neretin, to play a bit part at the beginning as the first victim and then hired an American girl, Vanessa Walsh, to play the Ukrainian villian, Turtle 2!!! What's wrong with this picture??? Vanessa Walsh's Ukrainian accent is easily the worst I have ever heard. Were the people in charge of casting off their meds that day??? It would have been an amazing episode if they had actually made the good call and had Vanessa Walsh play the victim and have the Ukrainian play the Ukrainian!!!! Their decision destroyed this episode.
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