A Really Good Piece of Visual Storytelling
28 June 2020
The Devil's Honey is really not that bad of a film. It was originally going to be a point of contention I had with it, but looking back, I think I've gotten to appreciate what it was going for. Its narrative structure is a little unconventional and I was a little worried that the film would end up being unfocused and disorganized. But once things came together, it made a lot more sense.

The other thing I like about this film, in retrospect, is that it is surprisingly visual. I say surprisingly because I don't really expect very much from low budget sexploitation film, but the visual aspect of this film was actually quite strong.

This film isn't without its flaws, however. Its weakest point is the acting.Not all of the performances are bad, but the ones that are are so much so that they make certain dramatic points in the film unintentionally funny. The scene that instantly comes to mind for me is when the main character's boyfriend collapses in the recording studio while recording his tenor sax part for a song on his album he's recording. Its obvious that the actor is pretending to play and not pretending very well when his character is having a good day, so when he plays poorly and collapses, it looked hilarious and I did laugh out loud when I saw that happen.

Devil's Honey is a film that excels when it focuses on its visuals. The dialogue isn't necessarily bad but it kind of feels redundant and unnecessary at times. Luckily it isn't very dialogue heavy and even though some of it is hokey I think the visuals of this film are so strong that you could probably watch it on mute and understand everything that's going on.

I'm surprised by how well this film took out. I had to wait a bit after watching it to go over my thoughts on the film because I really wasn't sure what to think about it, but I figure that if it's a film that leaves you thinking about it, then perhaps it has something going for it. I thought it could have had a better ending, but I don't think it ended poorly the way it is. I think it's an interesting film and I think it's worth checking out.
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