life squeezed into too small squares.
26 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The very well know story of the Stephans sisters and their friends and romantic relationships is so completely covered in biographies, books of letters, books of diaries that it is impossible to squeeze it into three relatively short episodes. So much that greatly impacted their lives has been left out.. . the various homes, the Hogarth press, Virginias terrible insecurity about her writing, her mental breakdowns, the travels, the very real and numerous tragedies that preceded the start of this series, and really defined their future capabilities. The birth of Angelica, (named long after the day of her birth) and the marriage suggestion by Bunny Garnet of coupling with his lover's daughter was such a bizarre (and True) happening that it is what inspired me on my 20+ year study of these fascinating, truly accomplished and flawed people.
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