Marvel/Disney for post millenials
26 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this after seeing the shorts with Ghost Spider/Spider Gwen.

The shorts are much better. There are different writers and directors for the Marvel Rising titles, and the quality varies from middling to low.

The animation isn't half bad. The pacing and writing as a whole is not great.

The characters and the stories of Marvel Rising are for teenage girls. I can only shake my head at some of the dialogue in these shows. One inescapable fact: just as with the vast majority of current cartoons, I am not in Disney's target demographic (as an over 40 male).

If you are not a teenage girl, this show is likely wasted on you. The comic books may be better... I have read very few of them, as the books' art is as hit or miss as the writing of Marvel Rising animation.

The classic 1967 Spider-Man DVD set is out there. The Spectacular Spider-Man series from a few years ago is very good; it does a much better job of respecting the viewer's intelligence.

Last, I am glad that Disney saw fit to ax Ultimate Spider-Man. Sell toys on the XD web site, not on a show.
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