Love Under the Olive Tree (2020 TV Movie)
See Love, Fall & Order
26 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie really seems like the writers took Love, Fall & Order and juggled some details. Another very similar movie is Autumn in the Vineyard, but in that one the opposite lead wasn't a lawyer. And underneath it all it draws on Romeo and Juliet.

First half of the movie I really hated both Jake and Nicole. It was downright meanness and arrogance from both of them, and their parents. Then suddenly, as is common in Hallmark movies, the meanness magically falls away. Both characters become likable and of course any viewer can figure out the rest of the movie, practically scene by scene.

Don't even try to reconcile the plot with actual law. As one person pointed out under questions, the principle of adverse possession would at least make a very strong case for Nicole and probably be more like - Case Dismissed! It is probably true though that a good lawyer could have tied things up for years. But if this plot hole isn't enough, towards the end, Nicole sees Jake "conspiring" with the judge and the judge recognizes that she's been seen. No judge with any sense then casually walks by Nicole without explaining what was going on.

The second half of the movie lightens up considerably and is fairly enjoyable as long as you don't expect any surprises. It's too bad though that the lighter atmosphere wasn't a bigger part of the movie compared to the meanness. But maybe we live in a world that prefers meanness. As for me, I escape to Hallmark in hopes of getting away from most of that.
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