Wow, a classic!
25 June 2020
I really do love Terry O'Quinn. He is such an incredible, versatile actor. He is perfectly cast in the title role, the stepfather Jerry Blake. Terry delivers a chilling performance as a brutal killer with no conscience.

The Stepfather appears to be a loving man, serene and gentle. Yet, he lies without flinching, and kills without raising an eyebrow. The film illustrates so well that one can never judge a book by its cover - figuratively speaking, off course. People might not always be who (or what) they appear to be.

The film delivers good acting overall, and a very good script. Jerry's perfect new world starts falling apart when the brother of his previous victim decides to pursue the case, since no arrest was ever made. We see very different sides of Jerry, and Terry O'Quinn is simply fantastic here!

'The Stepfather' is creepy on a different level to most horror films from the same era. This has a psychological element to it that gets under your skin. Jerry is a very disturbed individual and this comes across very effectively as the film progresses. 'The Stepfather' truly is one of the better and more believable 80s horror films.
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