I don't usually claim other people missed the point of a film but here we go.
24 June 2020
The number of reviewers who missed the POINT of this documentary is painful to behold. This documentary is not about solving the Zodiac case. A lot of these reviewers also seem to be reviewing the people in the documentary rather than the documentary itself. The documentary is telling a story ABOUT these people, it's not a platform for their beliefs.

You'll learn a lot by watching this, just drop your preconceived notions about what it is. No one's duping you here, you're duping yourselves by dgoingin assuming this is something it isn't.. This documentary makes an incredibly important point, one that is as profound right here and now in the US than it has ever been.

I bet these same people would say "Dear Zachary" duped them.and they want their money back.
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