Breeders (2020–2023)
parents behaving badly...too much?
23 June 2020
First came the series/movie concept of "men behaving badly", then came "women behaving badly", now we've got a number of examples of "parents behaving badly". But the thing that makes or breaks each movie or series is keeping the parents likeable enough to where you're still on their side, even if it's just barely. This is where I think Breeders pushes it a little too far. It's noted early on that Paul has a big anger problem, and when he's not neglecting the kids, he's yelling at them. Later on, Ally begins acting out like a petulant teenager whenever she hears news that she doesn't like. The two of them don't even support each other, each is obsessed with their own career and personal success in life. They need some positive personality traits to balance things out. I see from the reviews on here that the series is cathartic for many parents, and that's good, but it seems like these two characters are presented to us as if we're supposed to feel sympathetic towards them, when by the end of series one, I just felt really bad for the kids.
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