Acapulco not!
23 June 2020
The first thing that is obvious from the opening scenes of this film is the horrible washed out faded color of this film. It is like the filmmakers shot this with an old Super 8 camera, then left the film in the backseat of a car in 100 degree weather. Technically an inferior film. like an old TV show from the early 1960's when color was first used on TV. The action is nothing new, most of the people get killed off in the film. A very childish screenplay. The main character reminded me of Woody Allen with his facial expressions and mannerisms, but without Allen's humor. The female lead character played by Anna Serradilla. Has the worst hairstyle ever in a film. It looked like someone put a bowl on her head and cut her bangs on her forehead too short. Film had one good scene when the male lead character uses his video game skills to kill off some of the bad guys. That should have been it. He becomes an action hero using his video game skills. But no. They waste the film time having him running away through the entire film.
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