Really fun and energetic show
22 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So I watched Pony Life today, and checked online to see what other peoples' impressions of it was. I was a little surprised (only a little) to find that most people seemed indifferent to it or downright disliked it. I read and watched some peoples' thoughts, and I understand what they're coming from, but I gotta say I disagree. I actually thought the first (first 2? 4?) episode was great. Yes, it doesn't have a deep lore or world or be as complex, and the animation is very cutesy, maybe overly so, but people need to remember this show is not FIM, and shouldn't be thought of as such. It's a different genre, and since it's completely a slice of life show, things like explaining everything doesn't matter as much as it did in the semi-fantasy focused FIM. I've heard multiple people complain about Fluttershy shrinking and growing giant, and besides the obvious possibility of her drinking a potion offscreen, it really doesn't matter. It's just a fun joke. I thought it was awesome honestly. Same with all the other little things like that. I'm ok with sacrificing a strongly developed and logical world for enjoyment if it works for the kind of show, and it does.

I also loved the fast pace other people have complained about. It adds to the feeling of energy the show has, which is pretty charming. Fast pacing can be a bad thing when it's a result of poor writing, but it was clearly an intentional feature here, and I think it worked very well. I've heard people say it's done that way to hold the attention of kids, but it worked for me too. All the characters are still endearing, albeit in a different way than in FIM. I like the humour a lot, and I actually like the animation. I prefer the look of FIM, but the new one is still pretty good. And again, it's a different kind of show, so a different art style fits.

As for the individual episodes, Princess Probz had more of the aforementioned energy and it makes it more amusing in a way, and I also think the comparisons to Yakity Sax are overblown. There the moral was that even if it makes everyone around you miserable, you should just do whatever you want. Here the moral is that you shouldn't make someone do something your way if they already know a way that works.

The Best of the Worst has a more unique premise, and I found it better between the two because of that and the comedy that came out of it. The moral that Dishwater Slog taught about not stooping to others' level is also great. DRWolf101 put it well, talking about how this is very relevant when it comes to the internet.

All around, I loved the first two episodes of Pony Life, and am looking forward to the rest. It's not unbelievably fantastic or anything, and it's not the kind of show I can really think too much about, but it's very fun, and that's enough.
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