Harley Quinn: Lovers' Quarrel (2020)
Season 2, Episode 12
Still a messy episode, but slightly better than the last few episodes.
20 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I definitely had a lot more fun in this episode than the last few. Despite my criticisms, I do still enjoy this show, I just think that the writing has gotten pretty bad.

The episode begins with Harley fighting Ivy. Ivy could pretty easily kill Harley, considering she has no powers. I thought it would've been explained she was suppressing the mind control because she "loves" her, but it isn't. So essentially most of these moments feel contrived, but whatever. Kite-man conveniently arrives to save harley, and gets taken to his home. One of Sy's eyes conveniently happen to be in Kite-man's home doing morse code, which Kite-man conveniently knows, but to be fair there's an actual reason given, which I found amusing. Regardless, I hate how they basically undid Sy's sacrifice. It has literally been 2 episodes and he's basically back. It just continues to ruin the stakes. Now there's a device that can stop them from being mind controlled. They couldn't have gotten Batman to make those? Harley leaves conveniently using a kite perfectly, which completely cheapens Kite-man, and just for a stupid joke.

Meanwhile the Justice League is fighting the parademons, and I still don't understand why Psycho doesn't just mind control them? There's an excuse given with Superman, because he's an alien, but that's a terrible reason because he is literally controlling a pile of sentient clay, a shark, parademons... So? By the way, couldn't Psycho have tried to control Darkseid...? I mean there's nothing established that says he couldn't.

I'm glad we got to see more Clayface and King Shark, but it wasn't without its problems. Clayface becomes gigantic, which he has never done before. There was literally an ENTIRE episode about him getting his arm back in Season 1. We also get a really funny moment with King Shark's past, eating his brother. This was funny, but I feel like this could've been used as some really good character development for King Shark, but it's just wasted as a joke. Also I am a bit confused with the mechanics of King Shark smelling blood. In multiple previous episodes he wouldn't care about blood. I thought it was only when he was in water then, but now apparently its any blood, which is once again inconsistent. While those characters were back, I still don't know where most of the other Justice League is. Why is only the trinity helping? Gordon and Batgirl are shown, but what are they doing? Robin? I literally forgot about his existence for the past episodes.

A lot of this episode was just action scenes with the trinity fighting parademons and other characters like Ivy. Ivy somehow stops superman at one point. which is just stupid. Something I do appreciate is that they actually fought in a wide variety of locations. They go to wayne tower, and even Mr. Freeze's lair. It gives the action more scale, and makes the world feel real. Psycho gets the Trinity together to use Ivy's pheromones to get them to have sex with each other, but again, why can't psycho mind control them? Also I hope Ivy gives them the antidote soon, so they don't turn into plants like in season 1. But hey, at least we got a WonderBat moment... As a DCAU fan I kinda like that ship, not gonna lie.

Now we're in the third act. Harley and Ivy are fighting to the death in front of Darkseid and Psycho. The reason Ivy stops getting mind controlled, is because Harley kisses her... This is just such a stupid moment. Like seriously?! I knew this was going to happen as soon as Kite-man's kiss failed. The reason Ivy isn't mind controlled is because Psycho loses focus, but that makes no sense since he's not focused on every other character he mind controls. So essentially the "good guys" have won, and someone FINALLY breaks psycho's helmet. Harley refuses Darkseid's offer. Darkseid could take over earth right now to be honest. Everything seems fine, but PLOT TWIST. Turns out that Dr. Psycho projects Harley and Ivy having sex across gotham! Honestly this doesn't really make sense considering the helmet was broken. He could've just used his normal powers on the Ivy, Harley and Kiteman in that moment. At least Bane makes a brief, but needed appearance. So unfortunately Kite-man found out about Harley and Ivy. Ivy still has not been established to truly love Harley in that way, like she does with Kite-Man. I don't think the Kite-man and Ivy relationship is a particularly good relationship. It's really funny, but it isn't actually a truly great relationship. It's basically forced so that Harley and Ivy don't instantly get together. However, while it is expected for them to get together eventually, it just hasn't been set up well. Ivy hasn't shown any romantic interest in Harley yet. I really feel bad for Kite-man. He's really going to lose his potential wife because of inconsistent writing.

Overall this penultimate episode continues a lot of the same plot problems, inconsistent and just messy writing of the second half of this season. It is really disappointing because I LOVED Season 1, and the first half of this season. Again this is not just some Harley Quinn hater, this is a fan of the series, who is disappointed with what has happened with the series. At least this episode was still quite funny, but even ignoring the plot problems this second half of the season as a whole has just been a huge step down story and character wise. The finale can't save this season, its too late, but hopefully a potential Season 3 will improve.
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